While your body naturally produces human growth hormone (HGH), and science knows just how important it is to our health (both physical and mental), it is only over the last decade or so that people have really considered ways to try and boost HGH production.
You may have come across a few of these products yourself.
The truth? Most of them don’t work.
Most HGH supplements are nutritional duds. There is one product that comes in highly rated, though. That’s GenF20 Plus.
I Have only ordered a 4 month supply just to see what this product is like. I have to say that I'm very impressed with the results after weeks of taking genf20 plus. This along with another product that this company sells I feel like I'm in my twenties again. Loads of energy and I have been losing/maintaining my weight (February of this year I was 226 pounds and as of yesterday I'm now at 217.9 pounds). Also my mood is so much better with people noticing me more often. Another great product to recommend to people that considering this better than HGH injections
I was recently introduced to your product GenF20 and have seen great results with my patients using it. I am often asked for nutritional product recommendations and highly recommend this product to my patients/athletes. This product is beneficial for both athletes and patients undergoing rehab to enhance their full rehab potential.
I've been taking GenF20 oral spray for a month now. I have not yet noticed any discernible difference, but will continue as my understanding is that it can take several weeks to build up in the body. I have had problems with the spray bottle repeatedly plugging up, but found that by removing the cap and flushing it with hot water it clears the blockage each time, which I hope is helpful to everyone else who has mentioned this same problem. I received a damaged bottle in my first shipment and customer service took care of it quickly for me and sent out a new one, so I am pleased overall.
I was skeptical, and you should be too. Many companies make lofty claims. I can tell you for a fact this product works! I actually grew two inches in height and I am 38 years old... my hands, feet, and other parts are larger. It's insane. Don't expect results overnight. I haven't ever been more pleased with a product. I could only imagine if I had been working out while taking this product, my muscles would be even larger, but without working out, I still grew, everywhere!
GenF20 Plus is an all-natural HGH booster supplement that comes from Leading Edge Health company. It comes in two forms. You either have a supplement (just like a pill that you can take each day), or an oral spray (known as Alpha GPC).
We’ll talk about both of them in this GenF20 Plus review since they both do pretty much exactly the same job.
So, what is HGH? As you know, HGH is a human growth hormone. It is something that your body produces naturally, particularly during puberty.
HGH has a variety of benefits for our bodies. It helps with bone growth, muscle growth, protecting organs, and can even have an impact on your mental health.
Somewhat annoyingly, the HGH supply starts to dwindle as you get older. So, even if it is great for your body, the gland where it is produced just doesn’t produce anywhere near as much as it did.
As a result, people look to products like GenF20 Plus to boost their HGH and often come close to getting it to the same level as their much, much younger years.
GenF20 Plus dietary supplement primarily works by boosting the amount of HGH that the pituitary gland produces.
This is not a pharmaceutical product. Instead, it is a combination of various natural ingredients (including amino acids, natural plant extracts, etc.) to stimulate the pituitary gland. Basically, it is given your pituitary gland the resources that it needs to bump up HGH.
This isn’t a process that happens instantly (unfortunately), but it rarely is with natural supplements. Instead, you’ll be giving your body the tools that it needs to thrive long-term.
Because HGH plays a major role in the body, there are a wealth of benefits that you can potentially obtain from supplementing with GenF20 Plus. Effect of GenF20 Plus formula including :
Physical Health Benefits
Let’s start with the physical health benefits. You may notice the following:
• Improved testosterone production (more on that soon)
• You feel less tired
• Weight loss
• Lower blood pressure
• Improved muscle growth when working out
• Get less tired when working out for longer periods of time
• Fewer wrinkles
• Hair growth (HGH can prevent your hair from thinning out)
The testosterone improvement is particularly noticeable. Men, for instance, may find that their sexual health improves. Improved testosterone levels often mean less erectile dysfunction, less tiredness in bed, and higher-quality semen.
Many of those working out (particularly with weights) especially love boosting HGH levels with GenF20 Plus due to increased muscle growth. The higher testosterone levels could also boost strength, allowing somebody to work out for longer, and far harder.
Finally, you will likely notice improvements in your weight.
Food cravings tend to be lower, and those that supplement for HGH will often find it easier to shift the excess pounds.
Mental and Emotional Benefits
These are the mental and emotional benefits:
• Lower stress
• Reduction in ADHD or ADD symptoms.
• Reduced anxiety
• Reduced symptoms of depression.
• Better memory
• Less ‘fog’ in the brain.
• Improved libido
The last is especially important. Many with low HGH often report brain fog. GenF20 Plus can help to reduce or eliminate that.
GenF20 Plus® dietary supplement comes with an unparalleled, 100% risk-free moneyback guarantee that allows you to test our product for a full two months.
This is because it usually takes more than a month to start noticing the complete anti-aging benefits of GenF20 Plus® and an increased body’s production of levels of HGH.
Therefore, we are offering an extraordinary 67-day trial period, which is equivalent to two full months.
Amino Acids
At the heart of GenF20 Plus, you have 7 amino acids. You can think of amino acids as the ‘building blocks of life’. They are, essentially, proteins.
The amino acids help elsewhere in your body too. For example, they can reduce fatigue, and boost nitric oxide (which helps when working out).
Here are the amino acids in HGH:
• L-Arginine
• L-Glycine
• L-Lysine
• L-Tyrosine
• L-Valine
• L-Glutamine
• L-Ornithine
GABA is a neurotransmitter (it works in your brain), GABA can:
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Reduce chronic pain levels
• Lower blood pressure
• Burn off fat
As you can probably guess, GABA production falls when you get older, so it is always nice to supplement it. All the benefits of GABA will enhance the effects of HGH.
Astragalus Root Extract
genf20 plus contains Astragalus, it is grown in South Asia. It is a plant that was a staple in Ancient Chinse Medicine. It is said to boost the immune system. It can also lower free radical damage. This is important because a lot of the signs of aging (including poor skin, and some cancers) are caused by free radicals.
Deer Antler Velvet
Deer Antler Velvet is found on the antlers of deer. It is a small protective layer. It is absolutely loaded with hormones, and people have been supplementing with it for centuries. It is said to increse HGH and other hormones in your body. There is some evidence that it can also improve bone and muscle health.
When you were a baby (yes, we know you don’t remember that), you were likely breastfed. If you weren’t, you would have had a formula. In both cases, a key ingredient would have been colostrum. During the first few months of a baby’s life, they need a lot of colostrum. It helps them to grow.
Colostrum (derived from animal milk) is included in GenF20 Plus. It helps to boost muscle growth, while also assisting in burning off fat.
GTF Chromium
Chromium is a very, very important mineral for the pituitary gland to operate properly. The problem is that many people are deficient in chromium. In fact, some have suggested that as many as 90% of people do not have enough chromium in their bodies.
Chromium also assisting muscle growth. It can also help to keep blood sugar levels in check and burn off excess fat.
Pituitary (Anterior) Powder
This is a growth hormone. It is extracted from animals. It helps to improve the health of your pituitary gland, while also producing some of the same effects that HGH will have.
This is one of the few ingredients on this list used in conventional medicine. It is used for the treatment of asthma, for instance.
Phosphatidyl Choline
This is a combination of various minerals (including phosphorus) that your body needs. It can help to increase HGH levels while also improving overall brain health.
GenF20 Plus is also available as a spray (Alpha GPC Spray).
The ingredients list is almost the same as the GenF20 Plus tablets. It is just much more convenient.
You spray it into your mouth. Some people claim that it gets to work a little bit faster, which it may do. However, we see it as more of a product for those that may struggle to take pills for whatever reason.
The combination of ingredients in GenF20 Plus has one goal and one goal only; to stimulate the pituitary gland.
The unique combination of ingredients in the product has been scientifically proven to help increase the HGH, both in the older generation and those that may have injuries to their pituitary gland e.g. those that have suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Again, this isn’t a quick process. It isn’t a pharmaceutical product. GenF20 Plus is setting your body up for long-term benefits. A little bit later on, we’ll talk about those benefits.
Right off the bat, we do want to point out that while GenF20 Plus is a 100% natural supplement, it is not a vegan supplement.
There are ingredients here that derive from animals. That’s where the amino acids come from. So, if you’re a vegan, you may want to give this product a skip. Sure, it isn’t necessarily a side effect, but we couldn’t live in good conscience if we let you take a supplement that doesn’t agree with your food philosophy.
Outside of this, there aren’t any unwanted or dangerous side effects. This is assuming that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients, which is likely going to be incredibly rare.
Some people may notice a small headache or stomach issues when they first start taking the supplement, but these clear up within a week or two. It is just your body getting used to the new way of doing things, not negative side effects.
As near as we can tell, there does not seem to be any drug interactions with GenF20 Plus. However, if you are taking long-term medication (particularly medication designed to stimulate HGH after a brain injury), we suggest that you talk to your doctor.
Of course, while there are no major side effects from taking GenF20 Plus, either as a tablet or an spray, keep an eye on your health for the first couple of weeks that you take it. If you seem to have any major issues, stop taking it. It is better to be safe than sorry, right?
Using GenF20 Plus is simple. You need to take two tablets twice daily , without food, and before the meals. You have to take it at two different times (i.e. two pills at once).
If you are using Alpha GPC Spray, then you should squirt 400mg of the supplement into your mouth up to 3 times per day.
Both supplements take a while to work. You may start to notice an impact within a month, with the peak of the benefits happening at the 6-month mark. Yes. We know that 6 months may seem like a long time in the future, but you’ll start to see an impact before then.
As we get older, HGH production falls. This can have an impact on our mental health, energy levels, weight loss, and muscle growth. Basically, you’ll start to feel the effects of age. GenF20 Plus helps to eliminate some of these issues.
When you supplement GenF20 Plus, HGH levels will start to rise again. Those that are perpetually tired or suffering from mental health issues (e.g. anxiety or depression) will notice that the symptoms lessen. Those that struggle to lose weight may see the pounds shift faster, and those that work out may see faster muscle growth. This really is a supplement that benefits everybody.
Pick up some GenF20 Plus today. If you’re reading this, you already know of some of the benefits. Trust us, you won’t regret it.
It should take about a month for the results to be noticeable, and you’ll hit the peak at the 6-month mark.
Yes. Genf20 plus is a dietary supplement with few to no side effects. However, it is not a vegan supplement. Do not consume if you’re not happy eating animal products.
Yes. GenF20 Plus may improve muscle growth. Increase the production of HGH is tired to faster muscle growth, and quicker shedding of the pounds.
The perfect consumption of genf20 is four pills per day, each time with a meal. You’ll start to see a positive impact within a month.
GenF20 Plus claims to reduce fat, increase muscle growth, reduce tiredness, and combat various mental health issues e.g. depression, anxiety, and the symptoms of ADHD.
Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. For questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your doctor.
Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here.
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